PERI Content Criteria

PERI is committed to exploring who gets access to what kind of education at what cost, and to better unpacking the relative merits and demerits of plant research education services. This can be alternatively expressed as the exploration of horticultural techniques in an educational format.

One of the aims of PERI is to share content between education researchers, plant scientists, biologists, horticulturalists, teachers, academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and parents. We therefore welcome submissions that interrogate these concerns and that meet the following criteria:

1. Peer reviewed articles

2. Research reports

3. PowerPoint presentations that set out new research or original positions

4. Opinion or ‘think’ pieces that present innovative views or respond to relevant current events in new and / or critical ways

5. Video pieces

All submissions will be subject to a review process. PERI reserves the right to not post propagandized materials, to withhold material should it suggest an unbalanced presentation of a range of views and to take down material that has been posted should it be adjudged to fall short of drawing from a rigorous or credible evidence-base.